Outreach to our community
North Congregational Church has a legacy of serving the community and addressing its needs. We support mission activities locally, nationally, and internationally. One of our many contributions is our support of the Crossroads Soup Kitchen in Detroit. At twice a year, a group of North Church volunteers helps prepare and serve meals to the homeless and those struggling with food insecurity. We prepare and serve meals to approximately 500 clients. In addition we: collect hygiene items and assemble and distribute hygiene kits; conduct clothing drives for seasonal clothing needs; and provide a children’s summer luncheon and craft program once a year. As we do God’s work at Crossroads we often partner with other groups (such as the nearby Muslim Community Mosque).
Another example… Many members and friends participate in the annual CROP Walk in May, soliciting pledges to support the programs of Church World Service, internationally, nationally and locally. CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local volunteers to raise funds to end hunger. In our community churches, mosques, and synagogues, as well as other organizations from Farmington, Farmington Hills and West Bloomfield work together. About 200 walkers from twenty organizations raise over $26,000 each year, with one-quarter of that amount staying in our local community.
Organizations North Church supports include: